WT−QUAD−LFO module − a ultra precise wavetable lfo with fantastic possibilities
The WT−QUAD−LFO module consists of four individual, digital, wavetable based low frequency oscillators (LFO) with an easy and intuitive featuring a 1.8" OLED color display. The module can be updated easily by inserting a flash drive with the firmware files in the USB port on the front panel.
The oscillators and their respective controls, inputs and outputs are organized in four channels. The frequency of each oscillator can be linearly or exponentially (1V/Oct.) controlled through the voltage applied to the corresponding CV input.
Each LFO channel can output one of the predefined waveforms (including sawtooth, ramp, square, sine, triangle), morph between two different waveforms or generate a random waveform. It can be externally reset through the sync input.
Each trigger output can be set to output a specific phase of the corresponding waveform.
The module offers cross frequency modulation (FM) and internal sync between LFO channels. It features also phase distortion and phase spreading of the outputs, including a classical quadrature mode (90° phase spread). Frequency relationships between the four LFOs can also be set.
Since it is difficult in these times with the acquisition of parts, we ask you if you are interested in the WT-Quad-LFO to order the module at your dealer of confidence in advance. So we can better calculate how many LFO we can build and thereby eliminate longer waiting times.
WT-QUAD LFO − Features list: